Thursday, November 1, 2012

Anyone Here Seen My Old Friend McGuinty

Anyone here seen my old friend McGuinty
by Peed On

Anyone here seen my old friend McGuinty
Can you tell me where he's gone
He peed on a lot people
Then called Ollie Ollie perogies free
Turned out the lights....WTF.. he was gone..

Anyone here seen my old fiend McGuinty
Or was it a dream like a TV show with a gong
He peed on a lot of people, though it looked good on one
The teachers, with bribes his support, he previously won
Ollie Ollie pirogies free...poof... he was gone.

Didn't you just love the one thing he stood for,
No waiting times on Homo clubs for Catholic schools,
He peed on a lot of people, but the Ont. Bishops
Who played nice, He 'again' played for the fooooollls

Anyone here seen my friend to the very end, McGuinty
Can you please keep him far away
I thought I saw him hanging around the Hill
With all the other punk lefties, and us with all their bills

Oh any other politicians want to screw us over
Don't worry Canucks don't complain and roll over
With our Constitution Obama could come and go-fer
The kingdom of dolts............ of the new ginned up Can ta da

Paul Gordon

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Camping Close to Greensides Marian Site Marmora

A good conservative Catholic family with 100 acres 70 acres wooded, offering, family camping for Greenside Farm visitors (we are a 10 minute drive from the Farm)(we are not connected with the Greensides).

Nature trails..privacy... lots of wild life.. fresh drinking water available.. toilet hot water, no showers, at this time, close to town, close to public swimming and fishing..

paddle boat/ canoe size, shallow 'active' beaver pond on site.
soccer field size, cut play field on site

misc. Lots of vaulted scenic rock on site..(south edge of Canadian Shield)
         Tim Hortons ten minutes away.. McDonalds coming soon 20 minutes away

           Crowe River, (town rec. swimming) Crowe lake... ten minutes away
           Beautiful, pioneer O'hara conservation park and mill nearby
           Valuemart grocery store in town
           Situated between villages of  Havelock and Madoc
           45 minutes south to Belleville and 401 and 45 minutes, west to Peterborough
           located half way between Ottawa and Toronto on scenic hwy 7
          200 acres of absentee, lumber company owned bush adjoined to the north, overall greater bush area bordered by paved county roads 
           A number of Churches in the area, Kingston or Peterborough dioceses
            Please keep in mind this is a 'Private Catholic site' loud music...children come first....thank you.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Rules of Engagement Great Analogy to Reality

'Rules' of Engagement' Fiction Movie Became Great Analogy To Greater Reality

Sorting through old VHS movies, I came across Rules of Engagement starring Samuel L. Jackson, Tommy Lee Jones and Ben Kingsley made arguably at the peak of their careers in the year 2000.

Watching the movie again a few things struck me, (even though a work of fiction) especially the analogy so stark to how years of real life relations between North America's, relations and Arab Islamic nations panned out.

To put it bluntly in terms of Mr. Carlson, of WKRP sitcom fame, only disingenuously so, in the case of American and Canadian governments and MSM, 'As God is our witness, we thought Muslims don't lie.'

First of all, you have what you really train soldiers to do, and wish of them in this case, Jackson shooting a POW to get information from the POWs superior, imperative to the lives and well-being and the rest of his troop including Tommy Lee Jones.

No one would have been killed, (in fact, the communist colonel is set free as per Jackson's 'word') had they been forth- coming with the information and demanded communication from the captured communist leader to his troop... to leave the scene of the massacre on the marines.

War has it's own rules sometimes despite best intentions of United Nations Conventions or Queensbury rules..and War also can, and has had a certain honor or different set of rules among enemies, as seen late in the movie when the same communist colonel, honestly 'responds' (over offering up) that he would have done the same, as Jackson (shoot a POW to get critical information to save his men) had the situation been reversed. Jackson wasn't asking of the prisoners the impossible as in what couldn't be complied with or produced, nor was he working in the future hypothetical.

Jackson prevented a complete massacre while not asking the enemy to give up their own men to a massacre at Jackson's hand. The only analogy in this part being that the liberal MSM is often to quick to put out, incomplete information of massaged propaganda against the truth of the matter, as more aptly drawn out at the later questioning of the colonel, by Tommy Lee, as Jackson's hapless and reluctant defense attorney.

Today's anti-military MSM (unless their establishment, leftist leader decides the same or more severe, military actions are necessary) would only fixate as the prosecution did, on the 'murdering' of an unarmed POW. There is more to write here, but don't want to dwell on this aspect.

The politicians only concerned with the optics of the situation, not to the extent of how bad the nation looks but how bad they as individuals and and their party looks, to the extent that they would have an innocent soldier put in prison for the rest of his life to save their rear-ends.

In fact, the rule of thumb for North American nations to engage in war would seem to have nothing to do with 'cause', just wars, or oil, for that matter, but how well it will play out politically for the commanders and chiefs. This is exactly what the modern world has been reduced to.

The MSM in the story creates illusions as they so often do now that fit their ideology no matter the facts. Jackson has media whipped up mobs tormenting him when he is seen in public.

Political underlings are told to buckle under and back up the political party and its individuals as seen when Kingsley and his wife are told to drop the truth that Jackson saved their lives because they need Jackson to come across as a mad killer not as a hero. Threatened with being dismissed from his appointed ambassador gig, both Kingsley and his wife back up the phony story even though Jackson saved them and their young son.

Of course, the worst lie is the politically correct take on Islam, Muslims and the Koran, North America adopted, playing the backward hick, lagging in the knowledge, and more years experience, European and other nations had with Islam, and increasingly their fill of it. Real actual brain washing methods used on their youth, and the real cruelty Muslim men who are actually true to the Koran inflict commonly on their wives and daughters is not commonly dispersed knowledge but of honest translation, of the Koran.

Politicians, the MSM, and socialist academia obsessed with a number of various nefarious ways of dismantling free societies at whatever the costs, now know the 'score' if they didn't before, but can't do much about it now, for having erred so wrongly to have actually wasted thousands of human lives that they neither know how to put the lid back on the whole fiasco nor, can they possibly 'afford' admitting how wrong they actually were. It would be like going back to Vietnam under the heading, gee we almost won it, when we decided to pack it in. And don't think all the Vietnam peasants like the Chinese imprisoned peasants wouldn't want that badly.

If you follow the news wire out of all Islamic Arab nations as Blazing Cat Fur for one, does, there are daily numerous atrocities committed against Christians, Muslim women and girls, and all sorts of other blasphemers, on a daily basis... daily atrocities you wouldn't see on a monthly basis committed in North America. All these North American Muslims except a relative few North American converts only came from these same nations of Islam. They own it! And they don't ever apologize for it,,, for various reasons...none of them good.

Hitler ingratiated himself to a whole nation, as evil as he was. Same thing... Italy, Japan, communist nations aplenty, and South American dictators. These were evil empires, evil people, evil humanist ideologies that won over whole nations. What makes modern free nations assume they are immune from any of the same, under any name, including a phony 'religion'? They sure as Hell are not too smart for anything, never mind too smart to be fooled. God always smacks down the proud with the stupid stick, all but they can see, doesn't He.

I'm not saying all Muslims are evil but 'giving' the backward culture of Islam new modern characteristics, of a 'peace and love religion' when it suits their purpose, to the same name of Islam based on evil and tribal bullying, when it suited and still suits their purposes is dead wrong.

Increasingly, Islam is a culture to be ashamed of by its own members and prisoners, not something to be exalted by North America.

There was so much to be drawn from the movie to apply to real life, it would take pages to go through it.

The writer of this movie didn't have to be a prophet to script this movie. The fictional characters only needed to match the tendencies of the real life good guy players, and the real life bad guy players...and twelve years later, nothing has changed.

At the conclusion of the fictional movie, 'Rules of Engagement' the truth won out despite all odds against it.

We can only hope for the same happy ending in reality... but I fear we are too deep into it now.

Paul Gordon

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How Big Political Parties Are Like Real Estate Companies

How Political Parties Are Like Real Estate Companies

1) Don't kid yourself, both are run by professional marketers who really call the shots, that prime ministers, premiers, and presidents take credit for, as they really are not that smart.

(Obama, admittedly, is an aberration to this self- proven hard rule in organized deceit as a one time throw back to an ego-manic Marxist dictator, advanced only by stealth through political correctness of media modern projected and openly received but largely unwarranted.. guilt.
There never was, and still isn't, any marginalization or persecution of illegal brown Muslim immigrants that I've read of, in fact... quite the opposite, that society 'deserves' 'Obama penance' anymore than 9/11 'terrorist penance'.)

2) One of only two dominating parties pimp you and your family with nothing to offer, but their tacky 2X3 signs they'll put up in your front yard.

3) They refuse to give you anything near full disclosure until you've signed the contract with your vote.

4) Once you've signed a contract with a real estate agent she doesn't have to do anything for you for her way over- the- top paid commission in selling your house, (hey, like an abortionist, if you're going to sell your soul, you're not going to do it on the cheap) in the way of promoting your house herself.

Nor, will she release you from your contract, precisely, the same as either would a silenced back bencher (recall).

5) Political parties like real estate companies have no advantage over the horse's mouth themselves, lawyers and law vetoing judges, stamped and appointed, by the above party marketers.
The real estate agent like the political party does not make the deal or promise legal. They are the third parties, not the lawyers.

6) The bigger their signs and louder their voices the more they have something not worthy of buying, else it would have long sold itself.

7) They're both are in the business of selling someone else's trouble.

8) When shit hits the fan on your purchase, (or vote) down the road, they'll be no where in sight.

9) Parties will give you a signing gift, (equal to a real estate cheap flower bouquet) of a one time, one hundred dollar tax rebate, or some such nonsense. Their marketers are experts on how to play on our own near- sighted narcissism.

10) They both sell time-bombs we can't possibly afford, that have already blew up in the U.S.

11) With no scruples or conscience, they both will sleep well at night, in full knowledge of having screwed you and your family royally.

12) They are both superb players of the ole bait and switch scam, i.e. "we're the party for the workers and the little guys" actually pans out as the party for certain unions, especially teacher's unions and the party for the politically correct chattering class and screw you menial worker people and your families.

If you actually want any semblance of true representation, vote for independents who end up the queen of the ball, in being courted with political favours, by other parties, especially in minority governments.

And if you are Christian, vote for pro-life, and true pro-family parties or independents. You'll know what you are getting and you, your kids, and families, sure won't be screwed over, for their efforts or in pitiful cowardice lack, thereof.

Paul Gordon