Friday, May 20, 2011

'Brave' Toronto Bishop Thomas Collins Makes Young Lady Cry

Brave Toronto Bishop Thomas Collins Makes Young Lady Cry

Last week was the 2011 March for Life in Ottawa where over fifteen thousand were in attendance. Most of the participants were youth, a fact that is sure to scare politicians as it did the left- wing main stream media into actually covering the event.

Laughably, the Toronto Har photographer must have had to stand on his head to take an isolated picture of  the head and shoulders of one marcher to the exclusion of all others in grouped in tight formation.  

The young are the future and spread new fads quickly over the social internet networks. Many felt that last year’s turnout was doubled precisely because of that fact, and hopefully the start of an abortion moral-mania movement.

As in the past my family aided the Show the Truth faction with the holding of graphic pictures of  babies ripped apart after being torn from wombs. The kind of pictures that by now have been seen in all major and many minor cities through-out North America and initially covered my the MSM, an error in their strategy, in that they themselves helped kick off  showing the Truth, themselves.

Thought to be, and not far from being dead, single-handedly, the Show the Truth movement brought back and has kept abortion a strong election issue, if not a leftist judicial establishment one.

In that visuals (the truth) incite emotions more than any written word can, it is pretty hard to write off abortion as harmless or an innate procedure when faced with the Truth. It is quite obvious that the fetus had no choice in the matter, whereas the mother and the evil in the world from third parties who influenced her against her own nature and God, certainly did own all the choice.  ‘Graphic’ doesn’t negate Truth.

The modern free world is infatuated with a culture of the most banal, the most perverse,  tabloid news and titillation entertainment there has ever been to satisfy and substitute for natural and normal civilized relationships.

A thousand words of blue lettering stating, end abortion, support life, hadn’t, and were never going to make much of a dent in narcissistic leftist controlled and raised youth.  

My daughter, still discerning heavily whether to become a pro-life nun was across the road from me out of view, as the march passed by us in boisterous upbeat row after row, from curb to curb. We (all the Show the Truth witnesses) were high-fived and seemingly greatly appreciated for our part of the two prong defense of the unborn against the modern ingrained evil of the capital city of a populist, or libertarian, obsessed pro death nation.

Out of the thousands who took part in the March there were only two fellow pro-lifers who engaged in not so friendly fire on us. One was Bishop of the Toronto Archdiocese, Thomas Collins.

Though inexcusable in mine, and thousands of others opinions I’m sure, I will try to explain the Bishop’s actions. There is a certain strained  political correctness even on the good side, (social conservative Christians who adhere to basic logical and moral Truths and as all things, in the dominion of God, along with God granted choice to be a total narcissistic idiots).

That political correctness goes, somewhat, that we should not only strive to be Christ-like, but that that we are in fact, Christ-like, a rather pantheist application at best.

It’s a rather chattering class smugness among the Holier than the Pope Catholics, who believe all public behavior below perfection is beneath them. It’s not that they believe they are not sinners, (at least I sincerely hope so) but that they are impervious to actively or consciously thinking as a sinner.

Of course, God doesn’t proclaim, “It’s Okay to be a sinner!” as a Catholic teacher, from the Durham Region Catholic School Bd. once uttered to a large and loud applauding seminar crowd of educators and laity, but it is mandatory to view one as so, to be rightfully grounded and more importantly, to be saved.

This Catholic political correctness puts Catholics above even having to think, that they may be close to everyone else. Ultimate pacifist-ism is a prime example of this. Yes, Christ is against the killing of anyone for anything, but Christ is God is the Creator, most assuredly is not us for even to pretend so.

Quite the opposite of total pacifism, Christ stated to us and for us, that there is no greater gift of love than to lay one’s life down for another. Logically, Christ didn’t say this for the rare occasion of wanting to end our lives, say to donate a vital organ, (suicide) nor for the rare occasion of a St. Kolbe to say take my life instead of this family man and hoping evil keeps it’s word at that.

No, Christ meant, sometimes you have to defend the helpless and fight just wars, in good faith, and in discernment of propaganda, though modern Marxist educated religious would have a hard time with that concept. You will be hard pressed to find prayers for the military or just, military causes in any Canadian Catholic Church since the post Marxist Great Wars.  The Vatican recognizes such, though logically they always pray for the best and speediest  possible outcome against all evil.

So as a chattering Catholic, if you believe you shouldn’t get your hands dirty with any of the world’s ugliness, you shouldn’t have to look at it also. Unfortunately this includes turning a blind eye to the Truth of Christ. The Truth of Christ is all but an abandoned concept throughout the Catholic religious and  academic worlds abdicated to modern philosophy and open-ended academic freedoms no matter their contradiction to Christ and natural logic. It took not only the wonder and beauty of the Resurrection of Christ, but the ugliness of the Crucifixion as well, to nail Christianity and the notion of absolute good and evil, to the world.  

Back from my digression, Bishop Collins approached my daughter with apparently a smirk, that she mistook for a smile. She only new he was Bishop Collins because he introduced himself as such before he let into her. He told her she should be ashamed of herself and that she was putting back the pro-life movement ten years and brought her to tears, as if the pressure of standing up the world of evil and it’s verbal abuse, outside Ottawa’s abortion clinic before the parade, wasn’t enough of an emotional stress.

The good Bishop was a little off in his ‘setting back’ estimation. In fact, the pro-life movement with a great ‘no help’ to the collapsed  Canadian populist politically correct  
Catholic Church has been set back over fifty years from it’s first days of many of non action in fighting Canada’s publicly open war on babies.

In reality, Planned Parenthood, feminist activists, and their judicial followers and sympathizing academics (protestant and Catholic) did nothing but gain more and more advantage to their evil cause year after year until the Show the Truth movement blossomed all over North America. All the prayer in the world is nothing without a little effort well within the realm of the individual.

If only the brave bishop of Toronto had enough bravery to take on the anti-Catholic (Catholic) militant union and school board under his own directorship. Or to take on his own anti Catholic provincial political leaders who wrested control and now even curriculum, newly championed by the minority homosexual elite.

It’s obvious his neutered old team is too old and too unwilling to take responsibility or even care about the education of Catholic youth. And the thirty pieces of silver McGuinty the ‘Catholic’ Pope hater offered for the souls of children was too much for the Toronto Archdiocese to refuse or to lead the rest of Ontario and Canada on, (being the largest and most prominent diocese to look to in Canada).

Perhaps, the Bishop should be ashamed himself… ashamed  of Slyvia’s List (easily found on google) that catalogues links and references all the way too many evil Priest  predators of Canada including Toronto’s own Bishop John Knight that thrived and moved about various North American Dioceses in the post war Marxist, and homosexual proliferation years.  Ashamed of his predecessor the meek Ambrozic who saw, heard, and said nothing.

Ashamed of leftist Cardinal Carter who influenced Vatican II heavily with other North American Bishops, for one thing, with the admitted (“proudest moment in my life” in fact) and hardly Holy Ghost inspired Watergate-ish break-ins and document switching and tampering during Vatican II proceedings.

Bishop, you, and your big city Diocese leads the Canadian pack in shame and ultimate responsibility, not some young innocent lady standing up for the lives of the unborn the best way she can in the nations capital.

Paul Gordon