Serious Reality Check On Homosexual Pedophilia
With the recent news of the Canadian pedophile happy ending story, a reality check is offered before any appreciation or warm feelings are attributed to this homosexual pedophile for not harming his male toddler captive.
I, nor should anyone automatically assume that the Canadian convicted pedophile repeat offender played innocently with the toddler during the time of the child's capture
Nor, do I put a lot of trust in any government institution to be honest or 'right' about anything, more so western politically correct authorities, long steeped and formed in leftist established, newly created cultures, enabled to be perpetually in control of the youth of a nation for the better part of one hundred years.
From the outset I need to state that I am of the firm opinion that the singular disorder of homosexuality, much more removed from natural order, than fad of media, culture of insecurity, and pseudo health sciences would have the world believe, is disordered, too such an extent, that it is but a bridge to any form of sexual disorder.
The attention this disorder demands of the modern world in itself in order to make it emotionally 'right' for the observer is a strong indicator of its rightful moral placement in reality.
I would not be surprised to see the next health services therapy break-thru for pedophile victims (at least the ones left alive) to be one in battle with the Holy Ghost given, natural moral instinct of something wrong and evil, to be one of homosexualty being normal natural and even a strong basis for family structure, and offering of baby boys to homosexual pairs, i.e, don't feel bad, violated or mentally anquished, we've finally come to realize that homosexuality and pedophilia are natural and even worthwhile.
The sudden attack on natural societal institutions (in the name of human rights 'defense' of a non- visible minority) by homosexuals already in possession of personal free choice enhanced by secular laws, seeking moral secular legitimacy is flawed in that there are simply no 'secular morality' stand- a- lones' . Furthermore, if it is not an absolute, it is not morality.
Modern historical advancement of homosexuality.. factors:
The absence of child nurturing..the abdication of child rearing to the secular pre- Vianney narcissistic 'village' Hell of Ars, the destruction of the family and civic concept of morality has in historical snapshot, been the equivalent humanity shocking spectacle of the collapse of the WTC.
The meaningless ironic self-assuring, self vicarious idolization of legions of media vaunted 'celebrity' gods, that equates legitimate or subjective talent with wisdom and morality is no small pillar of societal self-destruction at large.
Unless Christians make the all too common modern snare of surpassing Truth, itself, and Christ, the rightful holder, they can can heed guidance both take solace of sanity, in that there is no condemnation in the Gospels more strongly reserved, as a caveat to carte- blanch forgiveness than 'Those who would harm these little ones”.. 'harm' in any sense, one can safely assume.
Christ did not dine with the pedophiles, especially, one can so contemplate in light of the single most evil to infiltrate and bring to its knees, His own House. Neither, was Christ about 'absolute' pacifism, 'no greater love, than to lay one's life down for another' (one can assume, not always as a non game changing door mat in manic despair, or in pacifistic ecstasy.
Christ gives us the clear exceptions to perfection for the imperfect in the vacuum of non- choice leaving the beauty of 'free personal choice' as tools to struggle through the beauty and love in the world increasingly tilted to the horrors of evil, of the absolute non changeable grossly imperfect world however and whenever populated by grossly imperfect, but changeable, individual.
Logically, the totality of the Gospels were not written for one passage, but for one definitive Truth.
Even so, for the sake of the greater than Christ, Christian, a society can choose to not 'punish' the evil accepting, or vampire-ist like victimized, but oft newly formed pedophile, but all the same, to oft individuals inescapable of pedophile desires, to less extremes and still remove them from society permanently as they should be.
( Homosexual pedophiles can apparently be made so by being victimized themselves sometimes. Some go on to commit suicide and still others are able to put it behind them to a degree, This is why this evil must be taken much more seriously than it generally is by those unaffected and influenced by the liberal establishment. )
In easy humane solution for the removal and control of incurable evil controlled pedophiles they need be only placed in like communal isolation from society more specifically, ,from families innocent babies, toddlers, and children and teens.
These pedophile communities would be most practically set up on restrictive islands where they can model themselves after any sort of communes now happily in existence of free choice...and have adult visitors, frankly I don/t personally care as long as they are isolated from society and its families. It is more than reasonable to expect them to give up their freedom of movement in general society for the dastardly crimes they have committed and there are none so great, as those who infiltrated the Church the last vestment of truth, comfort, solace and leader of souls.
Society can no longer afford to toss the Vegas loaded dice on convicted pedophiles.
Paul Gordon
Marmora Ontario
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