I dare say, political liberalism, all real conservatives will never ever 'celebrate'.
Homo anything, homo week, homo judicial appointments, homo parades, homo parties in the park or public bathrooms, homo proms, homo sensitivity training, homo education especially to children, homo special rights to a non visible minority (unless they choose to be visible), homo armies, homo professors, educators, entertainers, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.
'Special' pity citizen privileges to visible minorities.
This isn't the fifties anymore, from where Marxist liberals never purposely grew up.Any group that is held back in 2011 only chooses to do so or his hammered by their barnacle clinging parasitic supposed saviours or to mutual advantage by the dreg liberals within the ranks of the supposedly held-back.
Door mat official diverse multi- language mini united nations, nations who don't give a shit about real values or anything but their third world birth places and stone age cultures and man- made religions.
Highly cause selective, big tent, paralyzed proletariat high balling United Nation Marxist perverts and mentally challenged spend-thrifts.
Any culture or religion that barks at the moon, dances sun-burned bare- assed in circles, or follows a book that tells them to be-head all non-followers.
Any pot based religions or cures.
Which reminds me, Atheism
Any group united and huddled in secularism.
Any art or music piece that my pet could appreciate, sing or play
Any modern atheist homo philosopher who: molested kids, and/or pets and farm animals went more insane as he got older and ultimately killed himself in some bizarre way, was worshipped by the media, academia, the judicial, the political and especially by the entertainment industries (yup,... pretty much all of them)
Any part of MTV culture, sexual orientation, dress, song or dance or attempt at humor that doesn't berate grown-ups or conservatives..
Any Chicken Little liberal Marxist based medical 'science' scare du jour, or natural occurring weather phenomenon du jour, (see barking at the moon/ rain dances/ smoking of various weeds) lights out sex days, protests for losers who can't get dates and want to stare at the opposite or same sex naked, especially grannies and Aunt Bea(s) for any cause.
Coat hanger days- phony stats of thousands of graves of coat-hangered women, not one GPS ed, yet..
Any politician (not mentioning Steven Harper by name) who wins over the left, solely on the backs of dead innocent Canadian babies. Your the man, Steve. Your family should be really, really proud of you.
Any protest restricted to lonely man hating post menopause homely over-weight/bearing shaved head snot-snorting bullish females
Any play or theatrical performance with a reproductive organ in the title.
Any cute in (anyway) Kennedy worshipping smart-assed politician, or politician who changes his/her core beliefs to act like their star, feeling left-out, juvenile thinking homo converted spoiled rich bitch daughters.
Any unproven or unprovable homo caused revision of history, based on snot-nosed Marxist propaganda of the time or present, though I will accept that Frederich Engels and Karl Marx were close 'intimate' friends.
Could go on, but we all know the usual P.C. establishment suspects and their highly suspect causes.
Paul Gordon
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