Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How Big Political Parties Are Like Real Estate Companies

How Political Parties Are Like Real Estate Companies

1) Don't kid yourself, both are run by professional marketers who really call the shots, that prime ministers, premiers, and presidents take credit for, as they really are not that smart.

(Obama, admittedly, is an aberration to this self- proven hard rule in organized deceit as a one time throw back to an ego-manic Marxist dictator, advanced only by stealth through political correctness of media modern projected and openly received but largely unwarranted.. guilt.
There never was, and still isn't, any marginalization or persecution of illegal brown Muslim immigrants that I've read of, in fact... quite the opposite, that society 'deserves' 'Obama penance' anymore than 9/11 'terrorist penance'.)

2) One of only two dominating parties pimp you and your family with nothing to offer, but their tacky 2X3 signs they'll put up in your front yard.

3) They refuse to give you anything near full disclosure until you've signed the contract with your vote.

4) Once you've signed a contract with a real estate agent she doesn't have to do anything for you for her way over- the- top paid commission in selling your house, (hey, like an abortionist, if you're going to sell your soul, you're not going to do it on the cheap) in the way of promoting your house herself.

Nor, will she release you from your contract, precisely, the same as either would a silenced back bencher (recall).

5) Political parties like real estate companies have no advantage over the horse's mouth themselves, lawyers and law vetoing judges, stamped and appointed, by the above party marketers.
The real estate agent like the political party does not make the deal or promise legal. They are the third parties, not the lawyers.

6) The bigger their signs and louder their voices the more they have something not worthy of buying, else it would have long sold itself.

7) They're both are in the business of selling someone else's trouble.

8) When shit hits the fan on your purchase, (or vote) down the road, they'll be no where in sight.

9) Parties will give you a signing gift, (equal to a real estate cheap flower bouquet) of a one time, one hundred dollar tax rebate, or some such nonsense. Their marketers are experts on how to play on our own near- sighted narcissism.

10) They both sell time-bombs we can't possibly afford, that have already blew up in the U.S.

11) With no scruples or conscience, they both will sleep well at night, in full knowledge of having screwed you and your family royally.

12) They are both superb players of the ole bait and switch scam, i.e. "we're the party for the workers and the little guys" actually pans out as the party for certain unions, especially teacher's unions and the party for the politically correct chattering class and screw you menial worker people and your families.

If you actually want any semblance of true representation, vote for independents who end up the queen of the ball, in being courted with political favours, by other parties, especially in minority governments.

And if you are Christian, vote for pro-life, and true pro-family parties or independents. You'll know what you are getting and you, your kids, and families, sure won't be screwed over, for their efforts or in pitiful cowardice lack, thereof.

Paul Gordon