Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best Canadian Priest Lives In Worst City in Canada

Father Alphonse De Valk, founder and editor of Catholic Insight published out of Toronto is the greatest 'take no prisoners' defender of the Catholic Faith in all matter and manner and true to the Holy See, as opposed to loyal to the Canadian BWOBs or Bishops without Balls.

They're very big on borders and fiefdoms, just without balls, but huge egos.

He is fearless, very blunt, pragmatic, reasoned and goes in depth to defend his well thought out positions. You would not want to debate against him on any aspect of the Catholic faith.

In a recent article Father De Valk warns the militant anti- Catholic, largest Catholic ( yes, the two Catholics cancel each other out) union in Canada that if they vote in favour of same sex relationship 'Catholic' teachers being allowed to continue to teach, Catholic children and they should have the word Catholic removed from all schools (read Boards) they are involved with.

Great point, modernly often said, if from the less distinguished and less mannerly.

However, a cynic might have a few questions around this whole unholy mystery.

1) Why is the teachers union allowed to decide/vote on who is allowed to teach Catholic children?

2) Why is the vote only on one issue when so many are outstanding? What is the current policies and practices of these unions take on abortion and married priests.

3) How about a vote on whether Trustees, Board Members, Principals and Teachers should actually attend Sunday Mass. If you think I'm over-stating this point do a 'show of hands' at any given Sunday Mass anywhere in Ontario.

Less courage is needed from (priests for one) to look for an attendance of children and teens whom these Catholic Marxist liberal union role models for, and ostensibly teach in concert with parents.

Given the history of the Mark Hall man/boy prom date affair a cynic might wonder what other forces are at work and who is sleeping with who?

The means to a comfortable end for all bullies and cowards is certainly within the realm of possibility following the same political/judicial road map.

It could go like thus, ending in the same result regardless of how teachers vote.

Teachers vote against homosexual colleagues involved in same sex relationships being members of their union. The Boards are then free to dismiss these homosexuals from employment without expensive (there is no other kind under the Ministry of Unions, but 'expensive' grievances the real power base of unions at least, in the private 'profit or fold' driven system) grievances.

{I digress, but this is a very important fact. Service unions such as private care union members, are most likely not to be appropriately disciplined or dismissed for bad attitude, poor work ethic, manager abuse, or neglect of patients, when profit has to be maintained for corporate share holders. 

Real money seeks its own level and cares nothing about Marxist or Capitalist ideology, customer, or patient service for starters. Government money, however, brings a whole different environment with its own problems chiefly overruns and abuse with taxpayer money and irresponsible management and inferior expertise.}

So, said homosexual teachers are expelled from the Catholic educational system which is in no small debt to the liberal provincial government for the full funding Bishops and School Boards begged for only a few years ago.

Pope loathing 'Catholic' Dalton McGuinty and  his  elected minority government from the lowest election turnout percentage in history takes the Catholic Board to task over being financed with public funds and not following politically correct imposed public 'values' and  liberal  defined 'human rights'.

A parallel action is taken with an up and coming sympathetic lawyer/politician (a la George Smitherman and Mark Hall) to a single sympathetic activist partisan appointed judge in Ontario,  who immediately imposes  yet another temporary injunction, that goes unchallenged for all intent and becomes yet another permanent 'temporary' law that never get scrutinized under appeal or Supreme Courts.

Everyone gets their way. They hold their head up high, saying we did what we could, and Catholic children, again get the worst defense they could from all.

Paul Gordon


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Husha Husha We All Fall Down

The Canadian Catholic Church Bishops, especially, but certainly hundreds of Bishops beyond in the free world need a kind of theme song while they mull around in left field loving misery and forgetting to even come up to bat at innings change.

Keep in mind that these were the heady young priests of the early sixties, Vatican Council II, sexual revolution, Marxist's selective peace-niks, entertainment industry championing homosexuals and pedophiles, the Holy Spirit finally arrives appearing to College professors on drugs, ushering in 'slain in the spirit cult', talking and tongues, and a divorcee's guide  back into mainline Catholicism.
It was a liberal Renascence complete. 

Unfortunately, the present bishops are the remnant of that era, and they could never understand the true sanctity of freedom protected  with logic and wisdom and suffering, experienced by Pope John Paul.

All they really paid him (and Pope Benedict, now, for that matter) was lip service because they knew he bypassed their folly and enthralled the youth and laity with his goodness despite them.  

Parishioners hold no more respect than protestants for modern Bishops, yet they act like we should all genuflect in their mere presence and still kiss their rings.  They hold priests to their vow of obedience, yet they believe 'that buck' stops at them not the Holy See. They were ordained as aristocrats over their flocks.

To the few good bishops and priests, who didn't let the state and political correctness take over the Roman Catholic Faith, as at the time of the Cure D'Ars (Patron Saint of Priests no less) youth. I would say gather your flock and have real Mass in the fields and barns if you have to as St. Vianney's true Priests had to and they were actually under serious persecution, not just plain social cowards like today.

Otherwise, grin and bear the duration of the present, and coming persecution.

The heavily contaminated and infiltrated Church run by a great number of Bishops with incredible ignorance and self-pride, now instructed from forces outside of the Church blatantly with the secular, and evil world is in for a great deserved time of persecution and purification.  Watch Christ destroy this present 'Church',  rebuild it and purify it. 

The Universal Church has no place for blind nationalism, politicians or political control. Satanists and Islamists recognize as much on the opposite end of absolutes.

And to those standing naked, by their words, actions and abandonment of Catholic youth in left field, your anthem complete with undertones.

Ring around the Rosie
Pocket full of Posies
Husha  Husha
We all fall down

Paul Gordon