Saturday, August 27, 2011

Steaming Pile Jack Layton Lowers State Funeral Bar

Sufficient time has elapsed for Jack Layton respect for the dead.
His steaming pile was awarded a State Funeral. Oh please!

I don't write this frivolously, or for shock value, but because I am at one fervently disgusted, but not surprised considering Canada has dropped the bar for everything to the ground like a perverts pants at a massage parlour.

C'mon, Toronto could do better with some school girl 'heroes', over the ones it desperately seeks and 'celebrates'.

No offense, but their greatest hero since WW2 aside from Morgentaler was a cop who walked in front of a snowplow.

At least McGuiny's army of expensive armed tax collector's (with new traffic violations and increased fines everyday) wives enjoy their husband's typically, tax paid union overtime million dollar salaries and widow pensions, over say freakin anyone in the armed forces who has  over a thousand fold chance more of getting maimed or killed while not bringing in millions of revenue or being represented by hard-ass blue line unions.

Of the thousands of traffic police in Canada and millions of police hours, when is the last time one has seriously heard of a cop being in actual real danger he didn't bring on himself unnecessarily, that they would be worth so much money and graduate training as automatic 'heroes' worthy of national respect?

Yes, they are a few brave cops who have and had acted courageously, but few and far between for the media produced 'hallowed and sacred ground' they all walk on. Make no mistake that for all the talk of cops caring, their primary job under modern politicians and poor economies is the bring in mass amounts of minor traffic infraction money that benefit police departments and all levels of government.

So, I'm in my OPP heavily policed, really rural town, Marmora Ontario, village  actually, population about 5. when I come across a ride program off the main highway at a mostly deserted intersection. They (two cruisers) are there quite often actually and if younger people come upon them they are asked where are they going)

 It's ten o'clock in the morning on a working day, and they ask me if I've been drinking. I say of course not and they ask me for my papers please,  specifically, my drivers license, my ownership, and my insurance.

I ask the cop if this is part of the RIDE program and he replies "We're asking everyone the same" which of course doesn't at all answer my question"

I thought ego maniac, Barney Fantino wasn't in charge anymore and joined the ego maniac Ontario Liberal Conservative Party or was it the Federal Liberal Conservative Party?   

Back to Layton.

Abortionists, socialists, perverts, activists, school board full court press homo-indoctrination, militant union leaders, politicians rotten to the core of the city, none of which Layton and his politician wife with the different last name (who apparently not to secretly along with party little wigs composed Layton's dying last letter) wouldn't celebrate themselves, are Fag Town's idea of heroes.  

Anyone who could only muster 'hundreds' (that reads less than a thousand or how many votes the NDP received an election or two ago) to attend his State Funeral shouldn't have a State Funeral, but who says Harper who owes all his political success to the sole cowardice political charge in revolt for abortion is the brightest freakin energy efficient bulb in Canada?

The CN tower and Niagara Falls lit up in orange would actually be the ultimate tribute and free advertisement to the NDP party, would it not?  Even Trudeau who was actually a Prime Sinister for a number of years at best had his son make some CBC televised crazy Romans speech. But, then again nothing says socialism and Jack Layton, like grandiose tax paid sleaze. The guy was the epitome of the smiling used car salesman type politician.

He couldn't possibly believe he could deliver on the shit, he and other socialists snort out from  smoking tax money and union dues, unless he was financially retarded as well.

But, just like a good union leader, if you want to be popular in a sick sort of way, just work your hardest at sounding sincere, screwing everybody, and occasionally looking indignant on your press conference mark. 

So outside a Catholic Church front entrance in Belleville a young woman of an obvious mental disorder is crouched up into a small ball.

Her limbs are swollen and pocked with sores. She is dark skinned from over exposure to the sun and she says nothing.

Parishoners, mostly over 65 years old, (like who else) file past her without taking a second look, never mind giving her a pitance of what they would give to very well off parish. One couldn't imagine what this girl, someone's daughter, has been through.

My wife made the obvious comment, why don't they at least pray for her in the Church instead of having too late dead guy, Layton in the Prayer Intercessions.

Afterall, it was Layton's exact kind of liberal marxist thinkers who put people on the street in the name of freedom of choice from hospitals all over Ontario

These hospitals would be the first to say, these people will stop taking their medication, and at best should be able to be picked up to be medicine  stabled
again in order not to suffer. Would we not do the same for animals?

Of course, it's all about the money, and what socialists would rather be doing with it. In fact, it was Peterson, followed by Bob Rae who first kicked these people out and did nothing to follow up and help them.

I guess mentally ill people don't vote like whinning unionists.

Paul Gordon

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Abortion Blood Dosn't Legally Stick To Obama and Cronies Anymore

An Obumr anointed federal jerk judge, Timothy S. Black, of Cincinnati refuses to dismiss a case of a loser A..hole, democrat politician from suing a pro-life group in blame for his being a loser, in particular, for losing an election.

Though the leftist establishment has actually long nurtured useful idiots into voting for bad-ass Clintonist politicians who veto partial birth abortions among other serious character flaws, this guy b.s. s he actually lost the election because a pro-life group claimed Obamacare includes tax-funded abortions, (you know like Harper and McGuinty in Canada)?    We wish!

I don't think so Tim! Thank God the Supreme Court hasn't been Obamazised, yet.

Speaking of really really shitty justice systems.

Ever since the Hollywood left produced 12 Angry Men (like Steve McQueen's character wasn't guilty in that one, or Fonda wasn't the all time counter hero liberal poster boy) anyone can get off a murder rap with enough money and backing of media girls.

With a defense with half a brain,the guilty must be caught in the act, video taped, interpreted, measured for the 'son of a bitch deserved it factor', 'poor mommy couldn't cope factor' etc. etc. to actually even be considered guilty and then repeat the process to see how light the sentence should be if found guilty.

In today's news Aug.2 /  11, a guy murdered his pizza co-worker a few years ago. He confessed at the time and still confesses today long after being exonerated. It seems the jury thought he was just mentally ill because he confessed to many times to the murder he actually did commit. He would seemingly like to be punished but cannot be tried again. Sweet!

Paul Gordon  

Oh Judge Tim-boy....Look I'm Scared...I'm Scared!